...........she was crazy cute!
I named her Lola.
I fell in love!
Someone bid $1500 for her......and that little hussy left me without even looking back.
...........she was crazy cute!
I named her Lola.
I fell in love!
Someone bid $1500 for her......and that little hussy left me without even looking back.
I bought the stupid thing and let it sit on my kitchen table for a week......nothing! See, I told you it was worthless.
I went and bought "Quickbooks For Dummies" only to be embarrassed to realize that what I really need is "Quickbooks for people who have apparently had lobotomies and who should not even be allowed to operate a computer".
I have never felt so stupid in my entire life...and I haven't even installed it yet! Can you only imagine how much worse it's going to be when I actually have to try to use it for real??
Can anyone give me a referral for a CPA out there who would be happy with being handed a Hello Kitty notebook?? Please???
Oh. My. Gosh. Orange County, look at you go.....you know how to throw a fair!
It was HUGE! There were way more games, rides, food, and entertainment choices than we were used to. Heck, there was an entire huge craft fair in the midst of the dang thing. I was stunned.
Now, I have to admit that I wasn't brave/stupid enough to try the fair specialties of fried butter or chocolate dipped fried bacon. For some reason, anything being sold at a counter called the "Heart Attack Cafe" seemed like a good thing to avoid......but we did enjoy some Texas BBQ.
As you will notice by the picture, they have my face fairly off center and I was having a really bad hair day.........but I got my license!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!
Please tell me you have watched this show at least once!!!
I go INSANE watching this show because it makes all of us from the south seem like complete and total idiots. These women LIVE for these pageants...they spend thousands of dollars on fake hair, fake teeth, fake tans, tons of makeup and ridiculously poufy dresses all in hope that they can take home a crown and a grand prize of less cash than what it cost them to buy all the crap they had to buy to make their sweet faced little girls look like 20 year old drag queens.
But the part that really bothers me is how dumb some of these woman sound when they talk. This week my new favorite phrase came from a mom who said things like, "she is going to luxuriate across the stage" or showed her daughter how to walk the stage by saying, "let me luxuriate for you right now". Lord help us all!!! How, just HOW do you "luxuriate" for someone????? Those pageant fees would be better spent going towards a college fund for that poor girl to overcome the language that she is being taught.
Now, if you will excuse me...I have to go luxuriate my way over to the high school to pick up my daughter and get her started in the pageant world!
Honestly, I don't even know where to start.....the one eyed monsters, the blue crotch, the lobster claws on one and the oven mitts on the other.....are they Olympic mascots or some kind of weird drug induced warped sex statement??
C'mon, it's a joke right???? I really need this to be a joke!
Next thing I know, he is putting something under Larry to raise him out of 'pee reach' of our poor little innocent dog.
.....we stuck it on the grill with our chicken and zucchini.....
...and it was HORRIBLE!!! I mean really, really horrible! The kind of horrible that had my husband spitting it into the yard and my children calling CPS and begging to be taken away from me.
So, just in case you were sitting around watching Survivor and wondering if you should try to grill up some coconut because it looks like the survivors are enjoying theirs, try to remember that they are STARVING and would cook and eat a lizard if it crossed their path.
Hmmmmm, I wonder what a grilled lizard would taste like...........
Yeah, that's right people......I got a 100 on my test. Take that you scrawny 16 year old boy who was taking your test with all the confidence of a.....well, of a 16 year old boy! Take that old man who failed the test the first TWO times you took it therefore convincing me that I was certainly going to fail mine too. Take that woman who was taking so damn long to take your test that you had me freaking out that it must be written in some wierd foriegn language. Take that my dear husband and my precious 19 year old, both of whom I schooled on this test.
Please people, don't crowd around asking for my autograph, it's just embarrassing. Do however take solice in knowing that the road is a safer place if I am on it!
Look how she is keeping her eye on that ball...............
.......and look at that swing!
Oh Yeah, we are going to rock this softball thing. I think I may go ahead and start spending our college savings because this girl is going to school on a softball scholarship.
well, it made all the vomit, the drunk fest and fear of seeing a public sex act worth it.
Neither are really the way I am hoping to meet my maker.
I will admit that I don't hate it here as much as I thought I would. I don't love it....but I am learning to appreciate it's good points.
Now, if you will excuse me, I have to get on with selling everything I own so that I can fit in my new version of "home sweet home".