Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's really not funny anymore!

Anyone want to guess where I was this morning??? Come on, guess!

I'll give you a hint.....I have written about this magical place twice before on this blog. ........That's right----I was at the freakin' California DMV trying to get my driver's license. AGAIN!!!!!!

If you don't recall what has being going on with me and the amazingly well trained DMV employees, let me give you a little recap. First, they changed me into a male on my paperwork and weren't all that thrilled with having to change me back since the state had already paid the enormous amount of money that it took to print and mail that license. Then they sent me a license with all my information and my assigned license number but the picture of a lovely blonde woman who looked like she had probably been smoking a cigarette as they were taking the picture and whom I am fairly certain is not me. I went back to the DMV for the THIRD time and had another picture taken and was told that everything was straightened out and they were sure that everything would go smoothly from now on. Then they apparently decided to put my records on 'fraud hold' which for all intensive purposes meant I would never get a license!!! I waited and waited and waited to see if the third time would be the charm for my CA driver's license but it just never came. I called the 1-800 line, sat on hold listening to music that made me slightly suicidal for 45 minutes and then was told that my license was in the DMV fraud department and I would need to call them to clear things up.

I did.....and it didn't!!!! I did however have the opportunity to get yelled at by a woman in the fraud department who was apparently having a bad day and needed to vent her frustration at, that was fun.

Today, since my 30 day waiting period had flown by with no license being delivered to me, I had to go back in and request a new license with a new number so that whatever fraud is being perpetuated under the first number that was assigned to me will not be associated with me.

Let's get real here though, given everything else that has gone wrong, do any of us really believe that I'm not going to end up in jail trying to convince the DMV that they have made a horrible case of mistaken identity????

Please visit me in jail......and bring my old Texas driver's license with you when you come so that they will know which inmate you are there to see!


  1. Seriously this is not funny anymore!! How long did you wait in line this time? Had I known you were up for waiting in line I would have paid you to wait in line at the Apple store in SL townsquare and get me my freaking new phone....they had misters and umbrellas to fight off the 100+ temps....I am certain the clientale would have been better than the clientale at the Cali DMV:)
    Hope you have a license soon!! Let me know if you do go to jail...I have been looking for a good vacation from life and I have always told you that we would be cellies(cutest cell on the block)

  2. That's crazy!!! I hope this all gets cleared up VERY soon and you get your license.
