Please tell me you have watched this show at least once!!!
I go INSANE watching this show because it makes all of us from the south seem like complete and total idiots. These women LIVE for these pageants...they spend thousands of dollars on fake hair, fake teeth, fake tans, tons of makeup and ridiculously poufy dresses all in hope that they can take home a crown and a grand prize of less cash than what it cost them to buy all the crap they had to buy to make their sweet faced little girls look like 20 year old drag queens.
But the part that really bothers me is how dumb some of these woman sound when they talk. This week my new favorite phrase came from a mom who said things like, "she is going to luxuriate across the stage" or showed her daughter how to walk the stage by saying, "let me luxuriate for you right now". Lord help us all!!! How, just HOW do you "luxuriate" for someone????? Those pageant fees would be better spent going towards a college fund for that poor girl to overcome the language that she is being taught.
Now, if you will excuse me...I have to go luxuriate my way over to the high school to pick up my daughter and get her started in the pageant world!
No I haven't watched that show....but those are not fake teeth they are "flappers" get your pageant lingo right will ya!!
ReplyDeleteThe show turns my stomach and have you noticed how many of them luxuriate from TX?? They spend waaaay more money than they make in a year, and most of the time their poor child is not even that cute....much less the scary moms that accompany them. The little girls well all I can say from the few episodes I did watch were BRATS!!!!
Back to the Bachelor now which is making my skin crawl this season.