I like the Olympics.....but my husband LOVES them and has taken to calling me some very unflattering and decisively un-American names because he doesn't think that I give 'The Games' the church like reverence that they deserve.
I mean, c'mon, the first year that we watched "curling" together I had to hold in my laughter. Wasn't this 'sport' just cruise ship shuffleboard on ice?? Within seconds my very irritated husband was telling me about "pushing out of the hack" and "delivering stones" and something about a "hog line". WTF????? Seriously, it's shuffleboard! We make fun of people who play that!!
Trust me, I know that these people are incredible athletes who work for YEARS to get to the Olympics and who are capable of a level of athleticism that I would never, ever be able to achieve, but when I see the names of their events here is what goes through my mind....
The Luge........tight clothed people leaning.
The Skeleton....same thing, ickier name.
Bobsled.....a ride that is surely accompanied by hot chocolate.
Speed Skating....guys going really fast with skates that look like they could kill a man.
Short Track Speed Skating....same thing, shorter distance.
Cross Country Skiing....oh my gosh, it's Olympic speed walking.
Okay, so I guess I understand why my husband calls me all those nasty unpatriotic names that he hauls out every Olympic year. I will just brace myself for them and count the minutes until we have a final US Olympic team medal count and life in my house can get back to normal.
.....unless he happens to read this blog, in which case he will just divorce me.
Seriously funny!! Remember we love the games here too, but I can say we do not watch any of those particular sports. We will be glued during skiing, snowboarding, ice skating(even David) and a few others. I prefer the winter games over the summer games...so I am really excited.
ReplyDeleteI do not think you are unpatriotic because you do not enjoy shuffleboard...I mean curling. How does one get their child interested enough in shuffleboard to make them want to become an olympic athlete in that one?? Come honey don't you want to be just like your grandpa??