Now, because I didn't exactly have the kind of Dad who felt it was important for me to know how to fix a car but rather that I know who to call if it broke down, I had to pull out my manual to see what this light meant. I mean seriously, an exclamation point with parenthesis around it could mean anything from "Your car is on fire" to "QUICK, take the next exit..there is a sale at Nordstrom". So after searching through the 100,000 page manual, I finally found this mystery symbol in chapter 82, section W, subparagraph n4. It was simply my car's way of nicely telling me that my tire pressure was low. I was positive that my husband was going to share in the joy that my car was nice enough to give me this gentle little nudge that it might be time to check the tire pressure.
I was wrong.
He assured me that my car was just being a 'chick' and that my tire pressure was fine and that the "dummy light" (apparently a guy term for these lights) was just coming on because my car was being way too sensitive to the temperature change.
About 2 weeks went by and my "dummy light" was still on. At this point, I am getting a little irritated that my husband is doubting the concern that my car has for me by showing me this light and all I really want to know is.. if everything is fine with my tire pressure then why is the light still on?
So last week I am looking at my back tire and I swear it looks low to me. Maybe I am just being paranoid, but looks a little low. I told my husband that maybe my car was right and maybe we should heed it's warning and check the tire pressure. He responded by walking around the car, looking at all four tires, kicking one of them and declaring everything just fine.
We all know where this is going right?
Fast forward to 6:50am when I am running out the door to take my daughter to dance practice which starts in a mere 10 minutes....and I am already behind schedule because I have to get back home and get ready to go volunteer in my younger daughter's class and I have not gotten my youngest dressed nor fed yet so we really just need everything to go according to plan so that I can get everyone to school and get to where I need to be because goodness gracious there are 1st graders depending on me to learn their math facts!!!!!! (Well, that and I have a lunch date later with a friend). And lo and behold, what waits for me in my garage??
Yeah, that's right...flat as a pancake.
The funny thing husband swears that this had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the fact that my tire pressure warning light was on. Isn't that just the most amazing coincidence?
ummmm I know who was and is still in the doghouse over this one:) Hilarious...because it didn't happen to me. I would like to hear the explaination of how the two things were not related. I already knew who the dummy was:)dumb de dumb dumb!!
ReplyDeletewho fixed the tire??
We went on line and joined AAA and then called them to come change the flat. I wouldn't have even been able to figure out how to get the spare down from under the car.
ReplyDeleteThe funny thing is...I took it in today to have the tire fixed and then put back on the car and have the spare tucked safely back where it belongs and now my tire pressure "dummy" light is OFF......go figure!