Here is how I see this conversation going......
Boss, "We have to find something new, something that makes us stand out from the rest. Something that puts us on the map."
Employee, "Well, what do we have in Hawaii that people would flock to buy?"
Boss, "The tourists seem to really like Macadamia Nuts when they are here. They especially seem to like them when they are smothered in chocolate."
Employee, "Okay, so we should smother them in something even more unique than that."
Boss, "Yes, but we need locals to like them too. What is something unique that locals like that we can push on the rest of the world too?"
Employee, "Locals really love Spam"
Boss, "Brilliant!!!!"

clearly that is real, you have a picture to prove it... But that is disgusting. So instead of Spamalot... It is Spam-a-nut!!