(Let me just pause here for a second to say that if you ever go to a donut shop that isn't owned by an Asian woman you should leave it immediately and find the closest one that is because the rest of the world knows what you don't and that is that there is some kind of secret donut making school somewhere over on the other side of the Pacific Ocean that teaches these amazing women how to make the lightest, fluffiest and most sugar-coma inducing donuts in the world!)
I wasn't sure what time the donut shop closed on weekdays, and I am not what you would call a morning person, so for me to come skidding in to the parking lot at the crack of 9am was quite impressive. Thank goodness they were still open and the morning rush of people who actually get up and showered before Regis and Kelly is over were all gone. I explained to the woman at the counter that I needed to order 6 dozen donuts that I would need to pick up on Saturday morning at 5:30 am. If her blank stare was any indication, I think what she heard me say was "blah blah blah blah donuts blah blah blah". Hmmmmm, this was going to be harder than I had hoped.
Thankfully another woman came from behind the curtain and seemed to have a little more of a grasp of the English language as she smiled at me. I explained again...6 dozen donuts, 5:30 am Saturday pick up. She got out a receipt form and started writing, so I felt like we were going to make it this time. I asked her about how much it would be and she said, "I make you a good deal, how about $50?". I have no idea if that is a good deal or not, I'm not the donut buyer in my family. I am the one who stays in bed as my hubby and my tiniest early riser get up and head out, with her still in her pjs, to get donuts for the family on those random Sundays when making a big family breakfast just seems more than we are capable of.
I smile my approval at $50 while wondering if my husband is going to be proud of the deal I got or if he is going to laugh at me and tell me that he would have been able to get it for $20.
Now here is where it all got a little confusing for me......the woman who clearly didn't seem to know what I was saying earlier heard the $50 comment and rung up $44 on the register and just kind of stared at me.
I guess I'm getting a discount! Woo Hoo, won't my husband be proud. I happily handed her my debit card.
She holds my card, pushes a button on the cash register and all of a sudden that $44 becomes $60. WHAT??? Granted, it's not like $60 is going to break the donut bank.....but I am just trying to figure out how this math is working. I know that I pretty much mailed in my college math courses (unless of course you are my college aged daughters reading this, in which case I worked diligently and tirelessly to make great grades) but I still can't figure out what is going on with the price of these donuts.
The nicer of the two women comes over, looks at the total that my card is being charged and starts yelling at the other woman. Mind you, it sound like yelling to me because it's loud, there is lots of hand movements and it sounds angry....but the woman who is being yelled at doesn't seem to react like she is being yelled at so for all I know she is just being told that they are out of flour.
The smiling woman proceeds to grab a box and start shoving it full of donuts. She hands me a box full of donuts that can barely close and says, "my thank you".
there may
have been
that were
eaten before
this picture
was taken..
don't judge!)
I'm basically still trying to figure out if I got a good deal or not. Honestly though, the high I am getting from all this chocolate icing is making it a little hard for me to care....maybe that was that nice Asian lady's plan. If so, watch out....they could take over the planet with that plan.
dude, you are going to go on Saturday and the there are going to be 10 dozen donuts waiting!!
ReplyDeleteBut at least you got to take home a box with you...did you share??
did you know it is only 23 days til I have to get back on the plane and travel alone with a connection with my small child again...oh I mean until I come to Cali?? LOL