So, after surviving my first earthquake (barely) and after living here through all the seasons (Fall, Fall, Spring and Oh My Freaking God the weather here is amazing) I decided that it was time to become legal.
I was a bit freaked about the whole thing. I mean let's get real here, I haven't taken a written driving test since my 16th birthday and that was a few years ago...and by a few, I mean that not even the elder George Bush was president yet.
To make matters worse, my husband had taken his test months ago and had passed with flying colors and my 19 year old daughter was going to be taking her test at the same time as me. All I kept thinking was that she was going to have to drive me home after the nice DMV people stripped me of my Texas license and told me that I was a failure who shouldn't be getting anywhere near the steering wheel of a car.
So.....I took a few practice tests, spent the night having nightmares and then woke up and figured that there was really no need to worry about my hair or my outfit since the picture that was going to be taken of me would only be used in future DMV training classes with the word "FAILURE" stamped across it.
And then I took the test and waited and waited and waited until they called my name and showed me this.....
Yeah, that's right people......I got a 100 on my test. Take that you scrawny 16 year old boy who was taking your test with all the confidence of a.....well, of a 16 year old boy! Take that old man who failed the test the first TWO times you took it therefore convincing me that I was certainly going to fail mine too. Take that woman who was taking so damn long to take your test that you had me freaking out that it must be written in some wierd foriegn language. Take that my dear husband and my precious 19 year old, both of whom I schooled on this test.
Please people, don't crowd around asking for my autograph, it's just embarrassing. Do however take solice in knowing that the road is a safer place if I am on it!